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Amnesty International Campaign ManualAPPENDIX 2useful addresses
This appendix lists some of the organizations concerned with human rights worldwide and includes notes on their activities which are of interest to AI Action File coordinators. The information is based on Human Rights Internet, the Encyclopedia of Associations, and Encyclopedia of Associations: International Organizations. The organizations appear in the following order:
N International/general human rights organizations / 298 N Organizations that work on behalf of imprisoned lawyers and judges, and against legal system abuses / 298 N Organizations that work against torture / 298 N Organizations that work on behalf of writers and journalists / 299 N Organizations that work on behalf of scientists and engineers / 299 N Organizations that work on behalf of health professionals, and against medical or psychiatric abuse / 299 N Organizations that work on religious cases / 299 N Other human rights organizations / 300 N Business ethics centres and information sources / 301 N Women's non-governmental organizations / 302
International/general human rights organizations International League for Human Rights (ILHR)/Ligue internationale des droits de l'homme 432 Park Avenue South, Room 1103, New York, NY 10016, United States of America Tel.: 212-684-1221 Fax: 212-684-1696 N especially for cases of human rights advocates N produces Human Rights Bulletin (monthly), In Brief (series), ILHR Annual Review and special reports
Freedom House 120 Wall Street, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10005, United States of America Tel.: 212-514-8040 Fax: 212-514-8050 N conducts worldwide survey of human rights N has a research and documentation centre N produces many publications N gives awards
Human Rights Watch 485 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017, United States of America Tel.: 212-972-8400 Fax: 212-972-0905 N includes Africa Watch, Americas Watch, Asia Watch, Helsinki Watch, and Middle East Watch N publishes reports, including Review of Department of State's Country Reports on Human Rights and the annual Summary of Persecution Against Human Rights Monitors N lobbies the US Congress N affiliated with the Fund for Free Expression
International Federation for Human Rights/Federation internationale des droits de l'homme (FIDH) 14 Passage Dubail, 75010 Paris, France Tel.: 1-40 37 54 26 Fax: 1-44 72 05 86 N conducts missions N publishes 30 mission reports each year, and a weekly newsletter in French N works in the defence of victims of arbitrary abuses of human rights by government N maintains a library N has research programs N sends observers to trials N conducts public protests
Organizations that work on behalf of imprisoned lawyers and judges, and against legal system abuses International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)/Commission internationale des juristes (CIJ) PO Box 160, 26, chemin de Joinville, CH-1216 Geneva Cointrin, Switzerland Tel.: 22-7884747 Fax: 22-7884880 N sends observer missions to trials of major significance N includes the Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, which works on behalf of lawyers persecuted or harassed for their professional work in upholding the principles of the rule of law N publishes country reports, and a quarterly newsletter
International Human Rights Law Group (IHRLG) 1601 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20009, United States of America Tel.: 202-232-8500 Fax: 202-232-6731 N assists and cooperates, on a pro bono basis, with non-governmental organizations in preparing complaints of human rights violations to be filed before international, regional, and domestic legal forums N gives awards N produces many publications N has an affiliate: The Human Rights Advocates, PO Box 5675, Berkeley, CA 94705, Tel.: 415-540-8017
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights 330 Seventh Avenue, Tenth Floor North, New York, NY 10001, United States of America Tel.: 212-629-6170 Fax: 212-967-0916 N has volunteer lawyers N helps with pro bono representation of indigent political asylum applicants in the USA N gives human rights medal Human Rights Advocates International (HRAI) 341 Madison, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10017, United States of America Tel.: 212-986-5555 Fax: 212-599-3027 N investigates allegations of human rights violations N maintains a law library of international texts N represents exiles N publishes research results
Organizations that work against torture World Organization Against Torture 37-39, rue de Vermont, Case Postale 119, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland Tel.: 22-7333140 Fax: 22-7331051 N works against torture, "disappearances" and summary executions N works closely with AI N rapidly disseminates information about people at risk of torture N offers rehabilitative services to victims of torture N produces publications Association for the Prevention of Torture Case Postale 2267, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland Tel.: 22-7342088 Fax 22-7345649 N visits detention centres N publishes a newsletter in French and German, How to Combat Torture and other publications
Organizations that work on behalf of writers and journalists Writers and Scholars International Lancaster House, 33 Islington High Street, London N1 9LH, United Kingdom Tel.: 171-278 2313 Fax: 171-278 1878 N documents censorship and repression on writers, artists, scholars, journalists and others worldwide N gets information from the IS N publishes Index on Censorship six times a year
Article 19 Lancaster House, 33 Islington High Street, London N1 9LH, United Kingdom Tel.: 171-278 9292 Fax: 171-713 1356
International PEN Writers in Prison Committee, 9/10 Charterhouse Buildings, Goswell Road, London EC1M 7AT, United Kingdom Tel.: 171-2534308 Fax: 171-2535711 N works for the release of imprisoned writers, journalists, translators and publishers N will "adopt" imprisoned writers as honorary PEN members N gets information from the IS N sends delegations to visit imprisoned writers N organizes letter-writing groups N conducts research N publishes biannual reports Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) 330 Seventh Avenue, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10001, United States of America Tel.: 212-465-1004 Fax: 212-465-9568 N works on behalf of imprisoned journalists and editors N publishes a quarterly newsletter; CPJ Update, which includes the Committee's current case list and updates on cases; and many other publications, including the annual Attacks on the Press N gives awards N receives Freedom Writers mailings
World Press Freedom Committee (WPFC) c/o The Newspaper Center, 11600 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 22091, United States of America Tel.: 703-648-1000 Fax: 703-620-4557 N maintains a strong global voice "against...those who abuse newsmen"
Organizations that work on behalf of scientists and engineers American Association for the Advancement of Science and Human Rights Program 1333 H Street, NW, Washington DC 20005, United States of America Tel.: 202-326-6790 Fax: 202-289-4950
Organizations that work on behalf of health professionals, and against medical or psychiatric abuse Geneva Initiative on Psychiatry PO Box 1282, NL-1200 BG Hiversum, Switzerland Tel.: 31-35-6838727 Fax: 31-35-6833646 e-mail: gip@euronet.nl Joannes Wier Foundation PO Box 1551, 3800 BN Amersfoort, The Netherlands Tel.: 033-726749 Fax: 033-726811
Physicians for Human Rights (Denmark) Banegaardsplads 20, DK 8000 Aarhus, Denmark Tel.: 8619 6588 Fax: 8619 8393
The Association of Israeli-Palestinian Physicians for Human Rights (Israel) PO Box 10235, Tel-Aviv 61101, Israel Tel.: 3 5250526 Fax: 3 5250527
Physicians for Human Rights (UK) Peter Kandela, 29 Greenlands Road, Staines, Middlesex, TW18 4LR, United Kingdom Tel.: 0784 461999 Fax: 0784 469145
Physicians for Human Rights (USA) 100 Boylson Street, Suite 702, Boston, MA 02116, United States of America Tel.: 617 695 0041 Fax: 617 695 0307
Organizations that work on religious cases Christian Solidarity International Zelglistrasse 64, PO Box 70, CH-8122 Binz, Switzerland Tel.: 1-980 4700 Fax: 1-980 4715 N works for religious freedom N assists persecuted Christians N provides legal aid to ensure a fair trial, where possible Christian Solidarity International P.O. Box 70563, Washington, DC 20024, USA Tel.: 301-989-0298 Fax: 301-989-0398 N protests against religious persecution N has an "Adopt-a-Nation" prayer and correspondence program N gives awards N holds human rights briefings with members ofthe US Congress N provides legal counsel for arrested Christians
Pax Christi _ International Catholic Peace Movement Rue du Vieux Marché aux Grains 21, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: 2-502 5550 Fax: 2-502 4626 N produces handbooks and bibliographies on human rights N publishes Pax Christi International Newsletter six times a year N deals with peace, justice and non-violence issues N gives awards
Quaker United Nations Office 13, Avenue du Mervelet, CH-1209 Geneva, Switzerland Tel.: 22-7333393 Fax: 22-7340015 N publishes the quarterly QUNO newsletter N publishes human rights reports N lobbies on conscientious objection
World Jewish Congress, American Section 501 Madison Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10022, USA Tel.: 212-755 5770 Fax: 212-755 5883 N defends the rights of Jews whenever those rights are denied, violated, or imperiled N produces many publications and reports Other human rights organizations
International Trade Union House Bd Emile Jacqmain 155, B-1210 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: 2-224 0211 Fax: 2-201 5815/203 0756 N defends fundamental human and trade union rights N maintains International Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to workers who are victims of oppression
Minority Rights Group International 379 Brixton Road, London SW9 7DE, United Kingdom Tel.: 171-978 9498 Fax: 171-738 6265 N publishes reports N publicizes violations of human rights of minorities
International Committee of the Red Cross 19, avenue de la Paix, CH-1202 Geneva, Switzerland Tel.: 22-7346001 Fax 22-7332057 N visits political detainees worldwide N works to ensure that political prisoners' detention conditions conform to international standards N seeks to ban torture and summary execution N produces an Annual Report and publications on humanitarian law
National Lawyers Guild 55 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013, USA Tel.: 212-966-5000 N produces many publications N has Central American Refugee Defense Fund N has sub-committees or task forces on: Cuba, the Middle East, the Philippines, Southern Africa, Central America, Chile and Ireland N works for the right of political dissent
Defense for Children International 3 Stephen Place, Ossining, NY 10562, USA Tel.: 914-761-1641 Fax: 914-762-0316 N responds to individual cases of human rights abuse against children
Central American Refugee Center (CARECEN) 3112 Mount Pleasant Street, NW Washington, DC 20010, USA Tel.: 202-328-9799 N provides emergency legal assistance for refugees N operates social service referral program N makes research on human rights violations in El Salvador N produces publications on refugees
Survival International 310 Edgware Road London W2 1DY United Kingdom Tel.: 171-7235535 Fax: 171-7234059 N seeks human rights for indigenous peoples N conducts missions N provides speakers and educational materials N publishes biannual newsletter, monthly Urgent Action Bulletin and reports
Center for Victims of Torture 717 East River Road, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA Tel.: 612-626-1400 Fax: 612-626-2465 N provides medical and psychological treatment for victims of torture Business ethics centres and information sources
Europe/Japan/USA Caux Round Table
N forum for senior business leaders and industrialists concerned with the development of constructive economic and social relationships between their countries and with their joint responsibilities towards the rest of the world. Plenary meetings take place each summer in the Swiss village of Caux (the conference centre of the Swiss Foundation for Moral Re-Armament). Largely due to the initiative of Ryuzaburo Kaku, Chairman of Canon Inc, the Round Table has focused increasingly on the necessity for an expanded sense of corporate responsibility in an interdependent world. The Caux Round Table publishes a document called Principles for Business, a corporate code based on the ethical ideals of kyosei, a Japanese work for "living and working together for the common good", and human dignity.
Caux Round Table Secretariats
N Europe: Maartens de Pous, Coordinator Amaliastraat 10, 2514 JC The Hague, The Netherlands Tel.: 070 364 3591 Fax: 070 361 7209
N Japan: 4-13-4 Sendagi Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113 Tel.: 03 3821 3737 Fax: 03 3821 6479
N USA: 1156 15th St, NW, Suite 910, Washington DC 20005 Tel.: 202 872 9038 Fax: 202 872 9137
The Caux Round Table is affiliated to: Minnesota Center for Corporate Responsibility 1000 La Salle Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55403-4122, USA Tel.: 612 962 4122 Fax: 612 962 4125 The Institute of Business Ethics 12 Palace Street, London SW1E 5JA, United Kingdom Director: Stanley Kiaer N conducts regular surveys and publishes papers on business ethics. It has also published a model code for businesses which includes a reference to human rights.
Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) N As a response to an increasing number of reports of corruption, the ICAC launched a campaign in 1994 beginning with Hong Kong's first ever Conference on Business Ethics. The conference was organized by the six leading chambers of commerce and the ICAC, and sponsored by over 100 trade and professional bodies. It was attended by over 3,000 business leaders, who agreed that a set of broad guidelines in the form of a corporate code of conduct should be formulated and recommended to all listed and large private companies in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Ethics Development Centre 1/F Tung Wah Mansion, 199-203 Hennessy Rd, Wanchai Tel.: 2587 9812 Fax: 2824 9766 Exec. Sec.: Mr Lawrence Tse Dep. Exec. Sec.: Mrs Helen Lee N Set up under the auspices of the community relations department of the ICAC and its resource centre opened in May 1995. In addition to providing a library and inquiries service, a team of officers will launch a corporate ethics program for business organizations and will coordinate activities to promote work ethics among young people. It also produces a quarterly newsletter, Ethics in Practice.
USA Business for Social Responsibility 1850 M St NW, Ste 750, Washington DC 20036 Tel.: 202 872 5206 Fax: 202 872 5227 Pres. : Michael Levett N has 700 members _ small and medium-size businesses _ and promotes responsible and ethical corporate business behaviour and public policy.
Council on Economic Priorities 30 Irving Place, New York, NY 10003 Tel.: 800 882 6435 N compiles and makes available information on the social responsibility of individual corporations.
Investor Responsibility Research Centre Suite 700, 1350 Connecticut Ave, NW Washington, DC 20036-1701
Olsson Center for Applied Ethics University of Virginia, Darden School, PO Box 6550, Charlottesville, VA 22906 Tel.: 804 924 0935 Womens' non-governmental organizations
Regional structures are being organized to undertake and facilitate follow-up action to the World Conference in Beijing in each region. Please contact the following for up-to-date information:
Africa FDEA/FAVDO Women's Network Point Focal Afrique Pour Beijing Sicap Amitie, Avenue Bourguiba Villa No. 4336, B.P. 3921 Dakar, Senegal Contact: Soukeyna Ndiaye Ba African Women's Development & Communications Network (FEMNET) P.O. Box 54562, Nairobi, Kenya e-mail: femnet@elci.gn.apc.org Contact: Njoki Wainaina
Asia & the Pacific Pan Pacific/SE Asia Women's Assn. Intl 2234 Petcuhburi Road Bangkok 10310, Thailand Fax: 2-718-0372 Contact: Sumalee Chartikavanij
Pacific Regional YWCA P.O. Box 3940, Samabula Suva, Fiji Fax: 301-222 Tel.: 304-961 Contact: Salamo Fulivai
Europe & North America ECE Working Group, IH NGO CSW Office E2-1, NGO Lounge Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Fax: 22-917-0181 Tel: 22-917-4735 e-mail: ngoecewomen@gn.apc.org International Liaison: Danielle Bridel Women's Resource Centre 301 Vaughan Street Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 2N7, Canada Fax: 204-943-6159 Tel.: 204-489-3531 Contact: Stella Zola Lejohn
Latin America & the Caribbean CISCSA Avenida Rafael Nunex 4329 Cordoba 5009, Argentina Fax: 51-814-063 Tel.: 51-811903/814063 e-mail: anafalu@wamani.apc.org Contact: Ana Falu
Parque Hernan Velarde 42 Lima 1, Peru Fax: 14-339-500 Tel.: 14-330-488 e-mail: flora@geo2geomail.org Contact: Virginia Vargas, Flora Tristan
Middle East Alliance for Arab Women 28 Adly Street - Flat 74, Fl. 7 Cairo, Egypt Fax: 2-393-6820 Contact: Western Asia, Hoda Badran
General Federation of Arab Women P.O.Box 9796, Jabel El-Hussain Amman, Jordan Fax: 6-694-810 Contact: Haifa Abu Ghazaleh
Others Congo offices/Status of women committees Conference of NGO's (CONGO) 777 UN Plaza - 8th Floor NYC, NY 10017, USA Fax: 212-986-0821/682-5354 (New York) Fax: 301-530-1760 (Maryland) Contact: Afaf Mahfouz, 1st Vice -President
NGO Committee on the Status of Women, NY 777 UN Plaza 8th Floor NYC, NY 10017, USA Fax: 212-986-0821/682 5354 Tel: 212-986-8557 Contact: Sudha Acharya, Chairperson
Vienna NGO Committee on the Status of Women Kirchengasse 26, A-1070 Vienna, Austria Tel./Fax: 1-526 18 99 Contact: Marlene Parenzam, International Liaison
Geneva NGO Subcommittee on the Status of Women Office E2-1, NGO Lounge, Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Fax: 22-917-0181 Tel: 22-917-4735 e-mail: goecewomen@gn.apc.org Contact: Irene Hoskins, Chairperson
Amnesty International Campaign Manual
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