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Amnesty International Campaign ManualAPPENDIX 3USEFUL PUBLICATIONS
This appendix lists useful publications and sources of information which may help you when you are devising a campaigning strategy, working with others, or simply need to look up information. It is arranged under the following headings:
N Children / 304 N Children's rights / 304 N Youth / 305 N Religion / 305 N Business / 305 N Fundraising / 306 Children An Introduction to the Convention on the Rights of the Child; Christine Lundy Full Circle Press, c/o Gothic Design, RR #4, St Thomas, Ontario, Canada N5P 3S8 Fax: 519 - 775 0099 N US$7.50 plus 15% postage and packing
Papers of the Stockholm Congress c/o DCI, PO Box 88, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland Tel.: 22 - 754 0558 Fax: 22 - 740 1145 e-mail dci-hq@pingnet.ch N law reform and enforcement; prevention and psycho-social rehabilitation; tourism and children in prostitution; the sex exploiter; health and psycho-social dimension; media; child pornography; education; social values N copies from the NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Ombudswork for Children; Innocenti Digest No 1 UNICEF International Child Development Centre, Piazza SS Annunziata 12, 50122 Florence, Italy Tel.: 55 - 234 5258 Fax: 55 - 244 817 N key information on a critical children's rights concern
Have we asked the children? International Working Group on Child Labour, 1997 Huddestraat 3, 1018 HB Amsterdam, Netherlands Fax: 20 - 422 0443 Tel.: 20 - 422 0444
Monitoring and measuring the state of children _ Beyond survival; Helmut Wintersberger and Asher Ben Arieh, 1997 National Council for the Child, 20 Metudela Street, Jerusalem 92306, Israel Tel.: 2 - 563 9191 Fax: 2 - 563 6869 e-mail: Benarieh@shum.cc.huji.ac.il UN Convention on the rights of the child training kit International Save the Children Alliance Save the Children, 17 Grove Lane, London, SE5 8RD, United Kingdom Tel.: 171 - 703 5400 Fax: 171 - 708 2508 N £28.00 plus postage and packing £5.00 (UK), £10 rest of the world
Children's Participation Pack: a practical guide for playworkers The Children's Participation Project, Kirklees Metropolitan Council, Save the Children, United Kingdom N ordering as above
Never too young: How young children can take responsibility and make decisions. A handbook for early years workers Judy Miller, National Early Years Network, Save the Children, United Kingdom N ordering as above
Empowering children and young people: Training Manual Children's Rights Office and Save the Children, United Kingdom. N ordering as above
World's Web: the global education pack for work with young people Save the Children, UK N ordering as above
Position on child work International Save the Children Alliance 59 chemin Moise Duboule, CH 1909 Geneva, Switzerland Tel: 22-788 8180 Fax: 22-788 8154 e-mail: alliance@iprolink.ch. http://www.savechildren.or.jp/alliance
Children: the invisible soldiers Rachel Brett and Margaret McCallin, 1996 Rädda Barnen, 107 88 Stockholm, Sweden Fax: 8 - 689 9013 Tel.: 8 - 689 9000 e-mail: info@rb.se http://www.rb.se
Early child development: Investing in our children's future Mary Eming Young, The World Bank, ISBN 0-444-82605 Fax: 202 - 522 3234 e-mail: myoung3@worldbank.org
Children's rights I am a child, I have rights Save the Children, UNICEF and Ministry of Education, Liberia N copies from Save the Children, ordering as above
My rights, Part 1 (5-8 years), Part 2 (9-12 years), Part 3 (13-18 years) The Swedish NGO Child Convention Group, Rädda Barnen, 107 88 Stockholm, Sweden Tel.: 8-698 9000 Fax: 8-698 9013
My rights in our world Children's Rights Office, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2H 8EL, United Kingdom Tel.: 171 - 240 4449 Fax: 171 - 240 4514 e-mail: crights@ftech.co.uk N £1.50
Our book... of child rights Kathy Keirle Ali and Zulfiquar Ali (English and Arabic) Human Rights Education Programme, 11-B Main Korangi Road, Phase 1, DHA Karachi, Pakistan Tel.: 21 - 588 6273 e-mail: zufli@hrep.khi.sdnpk.undp.org
We want our right to education, Children's Rights and Responsibilities, Women and girls have rights too Three booklets from Kuleana Centre for Children's Rights, in English and Kiswahili Children's rights memory game Kuleana Centre for Children's Rights, PO Box 27, Mwanza, Tanzania Tel.: 68 - 500 911 Fax: 68 - 42402 email: kuleana@tan2.healthnet.org
Questions Parents Ask, Voices of Youth brochure also available on the internet: http://www.unicef.org/voy Its only right: A pratical guide to learning about the Convention on the Rights of the Child UNICEF New York, 3 UN Plaza, New York 10017 Fax: 212 - 755 1449
Youth The Rights Kit! produced AI Canada (E-S): N Acts as a handbook for Youth Campus groups. It includes an overview of the Youth Campus program plus information on group organization, branch resources, letter-writing, campaigning and fundraising. A glossary, record sheets and a variety of key AI pamphlets are included, plus an appendix of articles on AI's history and recent human rights concerns, publicity materials and sample posters. It is also a helpful resource for AI members working with Youth Campus groups or doing outreach on this target sector.
Youth Can Change the World - Youth and Student Activism in Amnesty International: Youth Campus Program N This is aimed at students and youth interested in AI and AI members doing outreach with youth. It is a booklet with loose enclosures and includes an overview of individual, multi-issue club and Youth Campus group membership options, advice on how to start campaigning for human rights, registration forms, sample actions and letter-writing advice. Amnesty International National Student Program AIUSA: pack N Includes leaflets on the following areas: What is Amnesty International?; How to find what you need in AI; How to fundraise for your group; How to plan events; How to publicize your events; How to run fabulous meetings; How to recruit and retain members; How to work with your administration; How to be a great faculty advisor; How to move towards diversity. It also has a brochure entitled Overview for Action which includes background on AI and on techniques of letter writing, Urgent Actions, fundraising, campus and local outreach, campaigns, action opportunities and training. SAY is the national student magazine of AIUSA developed specifically for students with information, actions, updates as well as articles and poems written by students themselves.
Religion Arguments for Human Rights from the World's Religions (produced by AI-UK)
Religions against the Death Penalty: The Case for Abolition (AI-UK)
Vrij of Vogelvrij (produced in 1995 by Belgian Section) N includes some of AI's recent campaigns/actions on religious issues, a survey of the relevant international declarations and conventions relating to the fundamental right of religious freedom, and issues around the universality of religious freedom. The booklet also gives some relevant texts on human rights from the Roman Catholic Church and from the World Council of Churches, and a biblical reflection on religious freedom.
IS campaign circulars with advice on how to approach religious groups include:
1989 Campaign against the Death Penalty: Circular No. 15 _ Approaches to the religious target sector. N This gives a brief outline of attitudes to human rights from the point of view of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism, and suggestions on how to approach members of these faiths.
Religious Action 1993 (AI Index: ACT 79/01/92): N cases of violations of human rights of religious people from 13 countries, and suggestions for action.
Business Business and Society Review Warren Gorham and Lamont Inc, One Penn Plaza, 42nd Fl, New York, NY 10119, USA Tel.: 800 950 1210/212-971 5000 N quarterly
Codes of Professional Responsibility Bureau of National Affairs, Inc, 1250 23rd St, NW, Washington DC 20037, USA Tel.: 800 372 1033/202- 452 5742 Fax: 202 - 822 8092 N contains full text or substantial excerpts of the official codes of ethics of major professional groups in the fields of law, business and health care.
Corporate Responsibility Monitor Datacenter, 464 19th St, Oakland, CA 94612, USA Tel.: 510-835 4692 Fax: 510-835 3017 N bimonthly
Domini Social Index (DSI) Kinder, Lydenberg, Domini and Co Inc 129 Mt Auburn St, Cambridge, MA Tel.: 617-731 9228 N diversified portfolio of 400 publicly traded US companies, screened on multiple social criteria, maintained by Kinder, Lydenberg, Domini and Co, Inc since 1990. Publishes detailed information on the social records of over 750 public US corporations and consults with institutional investors on the integration of social screens with financial investments.
Journal of Business Ethics Kluwer Academic Publishers PO Box 358, Accord Station, Hingham, MA 02018, USA Tel.: 617-871 6600
Rating America's Corporate Conscience Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, Inc, One Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Tel.: 800-447 2226/617-944 3700 N discusses the corporate social responsibility of individual US corporations. Compiled by the Council on Economic Priorities.
Fundraising The Complete Fundraising Handbook, Sam Clark, 1992 (ISBN 0-907164-65-X)
Amnesty International Campaign Manual
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